Tag Archives: SEo

A new technical vocabulary

I thought that I would focus on two technical terms which have emerged in the last few years.

1) SEO – Search Engine Optimisation – This is basically about how you get your web site further up the rankings of search engines such as Google, E-bay and Yahoo. There are individuals and companies who offer this as a service.

2) Click Farms – These are companies where low paid workers click on web sites for fraudulent purposes. They are usually found in developing countries and they may generate click through revenue for unscrupulous people or try to deplete paid advertising credits ( e.g. Facebook) of client’s competitors.

In summary, one has to be judicious in assessing their page hits and likes in order to determine if a campaign has been successful. Perhaps, you should look at demographic statistic. For example, if you had marketed a US toothpaste and all your hits are from Decca or Cairo then perhaps you should rethink things.